TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 6 Episode 1


Chapter SIX


The season of sowing cannot be neglected if we actually need harvest or fruit. There is no way we can harvest something without first sowing. As a man cannot walk into a bank to collect money without first depositing money there, so a man cannot walk into harvest without first sowing.

Sowing takes time to produce harvest. As a farmer cannot sow today and quickly harvest the next day even so a man cannot sow into his life and harvest it the following day. Sowing also takes pain. Ask any farmer the pain it takes to plant a farmland; the response will not be pleasing to your hearing. Likewise with any man who wants to invest in his talent and gift, he will definitely pass through pain.

Be aware of the pain involves in order to endure it. Farmers usually know the pains it takes to get to the harvest, so they are ready for it. You have to be ready and prepared to endure any pain that will come your way while you sow your seed of greatness. Count the cost and live up to it, analyze it and live above it.

Suppose one of you wants to build a tower will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? Luke 14:28

Every seed sown needs time to grow and yield. Every destiny and career invested in needs time to grow into what you want. So, the sower needs patience to wait for the appointed time. As a farmer waits patiently for his crops to produce, so a man must wait patiently for anything he sows to produce. As the saying goes; “A patient dog eats the fattest bone”. 

You must know that everything you do in life is a seed; whether good or bad, if you are not sowing good seeds, you are simply sowing bad seeds, if you are not pursuing your life-purpose, then you are pursuing failure.


In chapter one we learnt that we must live for God’s glory. If you are pursuing a career it must give God glory, and you can’t serve your life-purpose without actually giving God glory because your life-purpose is designed by God.

For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the spirit will from the spirit reap eternal life. Galatians 6:8.

There is only one kind of seed you must sow - the one that will please God.

UP NEXT: chapter 6 episode 2

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