THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 4 episode 1

Episode 1

Chapter 4 -- Love is value

Love is the endearing value you place on others. To love is to value and esteem others. When you love someone it means you value and esteem him or her. It means he or she is dear to you. It means he or she means something to you. How much you love people is how much you value them. You cannot value people more than you love them, you cannot love people more than you value them; Love is value. Your love for them is defined by your value for them. 
How much do you value the people you love? How much value do you place on them? How much do they mean to you? How much can you do for them? How far can you go for them? How much can you give for them? This is the meaning of value. And these says volume of how much you value them. And that value is the definition of how much you love them.

The scripture tells us how much God loves us and we experience it by how much value He placed on us. God didn't just said He loved us, He showed it by demonstrating His value on us. There was nothing God couldn't give for us and there is nothing He won't give for us. He already gave His all; His Son. 

He gave His Son for us showing that He value us in that proportion.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
How much you give up for something is how much you value that thing. There was nothing greater than God's Son for Him to demonstrate His value for us. His Son is His highest and that's what He gave for us, showing that that is how much He value us. We are of the highest value to God. There is nothing in heaven, earth or beneath the earth that God values more than us. 

God used His Son to define His value for us. What do you use to define your value of those you love? How much can you do for them in hard times? How far can you go with them on a rainy day? How long can you stick with them in the midst of storm? This is what defines your value and eventually your love for them. Love is never mere words. God who is love taught us that and showed it by example.

How much price you pay to get a product defines the value of that product. Value defines product. How much does it worth? How much does your love worth? How much can you pay to prove it? What's the price? Can you do anything for love? 
God showed how much He loves and value us by how much He paid to get us. That price defined our value. The one who love someone is the one who set the price value for that person. God is the one who set the price value on us. He chose how much to pay for us based on His value for us.   

Did you ever go to buy a product and you were asked to choose whatever price to pay for it based on your own value of it? If you were asked to choose what price value to pay for the one you love, how much would you pay? How much does he or she worth to you? That defines value and that value defines love. Love is value.

UP NEXT; Chapter 4 Episode 2


  1. I really love dis dear I wish so many lady can see dis


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