DAUGHTER OF JEZEBEL Chapter 2 Episode 2



She is the pretender that cannot be caught easily.
The daughter of Jezebel is very gentle and appears innocent. She is calm and quiet, and seems submissive. She obeys you and does everything you ask her, she always wants to help. With these she easily win the heart of the man of God.  She is that fellow that springs surprises. 

She is very committed and prayerful but if you take her to be your wife you would be amazed that she oppose praying. You say dear "come let's pray together." Then she replies "I am not ready for that at all."  
Before now she used to pray alot in church, she was the prayer director. She sings like an Angel but now you never heard her pray or sing at home. Since you got married to her she has been a totally different person from who you know at church. In fact she is the opposite of who you knew her to be.

All the good behavior she put up before now and her services at church was only sheep skin on wolf nature. She only used all of that as a cover up to gain access and win the hearts of people in order to steal, kill and destroy. 

We are talking about an agent of darkness sent to the Man of God in the church of God to divert the man of God from the calling and ways of God. You will never know her until you know her. 

Ahab was a leader of God's people. He was supposed to lead them in the ways of God but led them astray from God because of Jezebel his wife. 
The Man of God is the leader of the people of God if he is led astray the people of God are led astray too. At least there is a daughter of Jezebel sent against a man of God.


She is a crafty fellow. You would never discover her deception unless you let the Holy Spirit reveal to you. She is smart. She covers up very well that you can hardly find any trace of wrong. She keeps giving him gifts until the Man of God gifts her his heart. She almost always know what to do. 

She is not ignorant of the Bible. She knows what good the Bible says to do. By doing these she creft in to know the deep things about the man of God. And find out his weak point to attack. She never appears to be an enemy. She wouldn't oppose the Man of God openly. But she is bent on frustrating his ministry. She so cafty that ordinarily she can't be catch. 

A man of God must be discerning and listening to the Spirit of God enough to catch her in her craftiness.

UP NEXT: Chapter 3 Episode 1

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