THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 5 episode 1


Chapter 5 -- Love is protection

Love is shield, love protects. People who love you would protect you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually as they could. 

God's love for us is a shield. We are shielded by His love. We are protected and kept because He loves us. 

Love is a defense, it defend those it loves. Love is not vulnerable. It is a shield that cannot be conquered or brought down. When all else are defeated and brought down, love remain standing. It resist fall or fail. Love is resistance -- 'I won't give up on you'.

God couldn't have stopped loving us, otherwise our defense would have been broken down. It is a wall of protection like the city walls of Jerusalem. But stronger and more reliable than that city walls. 

Love is a hedge that the enemy cannot climb. God put this hedge all around us. We are hedged in; untouchable. What the enemy does is, he tries to get you untune with God. When he gets you talking and living against God's word he takes advantage of your broken hedge. Because your word maintain or break down your hedge. When you talk and live contrary to His word for your life you break down His hedge of protection. And the enemy pounce on and take advantage of it.

Is your love a hedge over those you love? Does your love protect them? Does it protect their weakness or your love is not strong enough for that? If not, then it's not reliable. Love must be a shield that another can rely on. 

There are those who talk negatively behind those they claim to love. That's not love, that's hypocrisy. They would say all kinds of nice words before them but behind them they would say all kinds of urgly words. Such person's love is not a shield to be relied on. 

When you find the weakness of those you love, that is your work in their lives. Your love should cover their weaknesses and not to expose them. If your love can't cover their weakness, then it is a failed love; a love without shield.

UP NEXT: Chapter 5 episode 2


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