THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 8 episode 2



Sacrifice is not restricted to giving. Foregoing is sacrifice.

In economics, in a list of priorities, what you forego in order to get another is the true cost of what you got not the price you paid for it. For example, you want a car and a house, but your money is not enough to acquire both. You decided to get a car instead. Your cost of getting the car is not the price you paid for it but the house you forego for it. That's sacrifice.

In love relationship, this kind of sacrifice proves love greatly. How much can you forego? How much can you leave behind to follow the one you love? Love is like a tree its grows and produces the right fruits when the right things are done. This kind of sacrifice causes love to grow. 

When you find the one you love there could be things you can't carry along with him or her, if you are not ready to forego them, then you don't truly love him or her. 

Mark 10:28-30 Then Peter spoke up, "We have left everything to follow you!" "Truly I tell you," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields —along with persecutions —and in the age to come eternal life.

That is sacrifice. Leaving the necessary for the utmost necessity. Leaving behind what you cannot keep to get what you cannot lose. The disciples left everything to follow Jesus and got rewarded for it. That's love. Get this, what they left was not worthless and needless. They left their wives, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, jobs; their source of livelihood, and followed Jesus. It was a great sacrifice.

For the one you love you may have to sacrifice (forego) your comfort, priorities in life and other things which are dear to you because he or she is most dear to you and a higher necessity you cannot forego.

What have you left behind to follow him or her? If he or she is important and of great necessity, what have you forego for him or her? If there are things he or she doesn't like, forego them, sacrifice them. It is an expression of love.

UP NEXT: Chapter 8 Episode 3


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