The daughter of Jezebel comes to destroy; that is to destroy what has been built -- to destroy the work that has been done. 

Ephesians 4:12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

The people (the Body of Christ) is the work that is being built. The services and activities are to this end.

When the daughter of Jezebel comes into the church she finds an opportunity to destroy those who has been built in the house of God. They are her primary target because they are the stronger ones and pillars in the church. She knows that when she gets them then the weaker ones are easier. She targets the man of God and other spiritually highly placed servants. 

When you carry anointing and making impact with the work of the Lord watch out for the daughter of Jezebel. When she gets you she makes herself available for anything you want with her, and when she is done she will have destroyed everything you had that makes you a man of influence in the realm of the spirit.

Jezebel went around killing (destroying) the Prophets of God. But why the Prophets? Because they carried the anointing and are built, and could build others. They were pillars in the house of God because they had the word, and by that word could build others up. Jezebel knew this so she decided to cut them off so that she could easily destroy the work of the Lord (the people of God).

1 Kings 18:4 While Jezebel was killing off the LORD’s prophets, Obadiah had taken a hundred prophets and hidden them in two caves, fifty in each, and had supplied them with food and water.)

She starts with the strongest and when she succeeds in destroying him she moves to the next in rank. Jezebel started by destroying Ahab the king, so much so that he had no more authority over her or the circumstances that surrounds his people, when she was done she turned to the Prophets. When she had killed some of them and others escaped she had no more hindrance in destroying the people of God. She turned them to other gods to serve and worship them. She set up her own prophets to lead the people. She succeeded in destroying the house of Israel (the people of God).

This is exactly what the daughter of Jezebel is bent on doing in the house of God today. First it is the Man of God, then the next in lines, and finally the rest of the people. 

Dear Man of God watch around for the daughter of Jezebel!

UP NEXT: Chapter 4 Episode 1

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