1 Kings 21:25 (There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife.

If by any mistake the daughter of Jezebel becomes your wife it is a battle you may never win. You have authority over her as her husband but she has the strength of a woman which you cannot have. 

Ahab was a King and had authority over Jezebel not only as her husband but also as a King - the King of the great nation Israel. But Jezebel prevail mightily over him. So much so that she could not control himself from doing evil. The Bible says "who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord." He was given to evil. That is, he surrendered himself to do evil in such a way that he couldn't turn from it. And who was responsible Jezebel. 1 Kings 21:25 (There was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD, urged on by Jezebel his wife.

If you make the mistake of marrying her daughter be ready to do evil in th eyes of the Lord. She will definitely urge you to do evil. And she has a way of making evil seems light. She makes it seem less evil. She inspire you to go on and you just go on and on, growing and graduating from one level of evil to another. And the more you grow in it the lesser the previous evils becomes. And then on and on until the worst of evil becomes a norm to you; even the calling of the Lord's people (the Christians; your sheep).

Never underestimate the power of a woman. Don't dare think when I marry her and she is under my roof she will be submissive to me whether or not she likes it. Don't deceive yourself because you might end up climbing the roof, leaving the room for her. She has a great level of influence over her man; for good or for evil. Ask King Ahab! Ahab was a King yet he was subdued under the evil influence of a woman.

You must discern the daughter of Jezebel who comes in among God's people and guard your heart against her. Don't say "I fell in love with her." If you end up with her you would find yourself under her evil influence, then you would be making decisions, orders and taking actions and heading in a direction that is against God's will for you and the people you lead. Instead of taking instruction from the Holy Spirit you would be taking instruction from her.

Jezebel ruled the Kingdom of Israel through Ahab her husband. It was his ministry but it was her running. She ran his ministry. Don't marry her daughter because she would run your ministry and terribly against God's will. 
Some men of God has surrendered their ministry to the daughter of Jezebel. She ran and ruined his ministry. Some shipwrecked in ministry (have broken ministry and purpose) beyond repairing because of the daughter of Jezebel they married. 

The Man of God's ministry is supposed to be run and guided by the Holy Spirit. It supposed to be a result of the working of the Holy Spirit, but sadly for some it is the result of the influence and dictates of the daughter of Jezebel. If you are married to a wife who always dictates for you and wouldn't take your instruction she is a daughter of Jezebel. 

Oh dear Man of God! If you are married to the daughter of Jezebel pray to God that there should be a way out. Do I mean a way out of the marriage? I mean a way out. God is the waymaker. He knows the way to make out. However a way He choses is a way. Just pray to Him.

Oh dear Man of God if you are yet to be married beware of the daughter of Jezebel. It is better not to marry than to yoke yourself with the daughter of Jezebel. 
Prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit is the key to discerning her. Give attention to it!

UP NEXT: Chapter 5 Episode 1

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