THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 11 episode 1


Chapter 11 -- Love covers wrongs

How much wrongs can your love cover? Love has the ability to cover multitude of wrongs. It doesn't keep records of wrongs done against it. Love blot out wrongs as though they were never committed. When love forgives it also forget about it.

The love that forgives but don't forget is not true love. True forgiveness is blotting out the wrong as though it was never committed. If the records are kept for remembrance then it's not forgiveness. How much can your love forgive? Are there things you would say, this one "I can never forgive or I forgive but I will never forget." That's not true love.

True love forgives any wrong however great it is, and keeps no records of it. 

Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.

A successful marriage is not one where wrongs were never done to each other but where love covers over all wrongs. If you see a happy couple, it is not that they never offended each other but that each time they let their love cover those offenses. They kept no records of offenses. 

She has her failings. He has his own failings too. But her love covers all his wrongs, while his love covers all her wrongs. That's the difference. And that's the role of love. That's why marriage is about love not the need of a companion, assistant or children. It's important that people marry for love above all else. Her wrongs are not seen by others because he covered them. Likewise the man, her love covers his wrongs.

Does your love expose him or her? You were meant to cover him or her. Have you exposed him or her? You are supposed to be her covering. That's why you are complete together. She covers you, you cover her. She is the strength on your weak side. Vice versa. Assuming this role deliberately is very important. Yes, deliberately cover her wrongs. Love covers all wrongs.

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

 That's it. What does it mean to love each other deeply? It is to love sincerely from your heart, not conditional, not pretentious. It is this kind of love that covers over multitude of sins. It makes no difference how much wrong he or her might have done. When you love him or her deeply from your heart you forgive and forget.
Love always offer a blank page. It says, "don't whip yourself over your wrongs, here is a blank page, you can start afresh as though it never happened, I do not count it against you." This is what true love is. 



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