TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 6 Episode 3



Isaac planted crop in that land and the same year reaped a hundred fold, because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy.  Genesis 26:12-13

A man who lacks the favour and blessing of God labours all his life without achieving anything. A man may use his knowledge, experience, strength and certificate, yet if he lacks the blessing of God he would labour in vain. What you need to succeed is the favour and blessing of God. God says "...not by power nor by might but by my Spirit,... -- Zachariah 4:6.

The Bible says "by strength shall no man prevail." If God does not build the builder builds in vain. The blessing of God makes a man rich and adds no sorrow to it. You need to receive the blessing and favour of God for your life.

God’s favour and blessing always sets a man apart, it shows the difference, and you won’t have to suffer and labour for everything. When people are rejected, you are accepted; you don’t fall and fail where men failed.

I planted the seed, Apollo watered it, but God made it grow so that neither he who planted nor he who watered is anything but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7.

Do not rely on your own strength and strategies, commit your plans to God and trust in Him completely. The one who sows don’t really know what happens in the soil; how God made it to grow. Just as God grows the baby in the mother’s womb without the understanding of the mother, so He grows the seed you sow without your understanding, so rely on God. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Prayer:  Father in Heaven! Grow my destiny to maturity. In Jesus' Name. Amen.  


But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed ears then the weeds also appeared.  Mathew 13:25-26.

Neglecting the powers of darkness is like pretending that the devil doesn't exist. The enemy works 24 hours of everyday even when you are asleep, they don’t sleep. A man planted his vineyard and went to sleep but the enemy simply came and planted weeds and thorns in his vineyard.

Jesus said beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, be watchful, which means be prayerful. When you sow your seed and fall asleep your enemy will simply come and sow seeds of failure among your seeds. You wouldn't be prayerless if you really want to succeed in life. Spend time in prayers, especially praying in tongues; praying on the seed you have sown. Don’t be spiritually lazy but fight the good fight of faith.

There may be an evil seed in your life, family, business, marriage or destiny sown by the devil which you are not aware of, it is time you discover and burn them off.

Prayer:  Dear Lord Jesus I release your consuming fire to burn every evil seeds sown in my life and family in Jesus' name. Amen.

UP NEXT: chapter 7 Episode 1

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