THE WONDERS OF WISDOM chapter 3 episode 1


If you were a manufacturer of a product and heard that there is a machine to increase your productivity you sure would try to get it. Everyone's life is like a factory which manufactures products for consumption. You are a manufacturer, a producer of some kind of product consumed by the world. You are either producing a harmful product or helpful product for your world. 

There is something that could help you produce good products if you were producing bad ones, and to help you increase your productivity if you were already producing good ones. And it is WISDOM. The Bible says you should get wisdom it will help you. 

It is as though you were struggling in life, and a voice says to you "get wisdom." In other words, wisdom is the answer to your struggles. 
Proverbs 4:5,7 Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

We said wisdom is the reality or state of things. So God's wisdom is the true reality or true state of things. You might not know the true state of your health unless God's wisdom tells you. You might not know the true state of your riches unless wisdom tells you. You might not know how strong and victorious you could be unless you get wisdom. If you were struggling wisdom would tell you how to stop struggling. But you will have to first get wisdom.

The Word of God is the Wisdom of God. Getting or receiving the Word is getting or receiving wisdom. You will have to spend time studying and meditating on the Word in order to get wisdom. 
Wisdom will not be useful to you unless you get understanding. Understanding helps you to understand and apply wisdom. A lot people do not understand wisdom; they do not understand the true state of things -- their health, marriage, business, jobs, life in general.

You will have to get understanding along wisdom in order to get the best out of wisdom. For example, some people study the Word, their Bible but do not understand what is written in it. They lack understanding. Understanding only come by the Holy Spirit. It is when you study the Word in the light of the Holy Spirit that you get understanding. Understanding helps you apply wisdom. 

A fellowship with the Holy Spirit is what gives true understanding. When you pray give attention to the Holy Spirit, when you study give attention to the Holy Spirit. One of the first things the Holy Spirit brings to you is understanding. 

Proverbs 4:7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

To begin with wisdom is to get wisdom. Wisdom cost! 
The first thing that wisdom would cost you is sacrifice of comfort. It cost confort to start anything. If you haven't been a habitual student of the Bible it might cause you some discomfort to begin regular study. There is no short-cut to wisdom, God's wisdom is received through the scriptures. And you will have to study it diligently.

Another thing it cost is time, then energy, patience. And in addition money. You may have to buy Christian books. Getting Wisdom and understanding also requires diligence, determination, focus and passion. 

UP NEXT: Chapter 3 episode 2


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