THE WONDERS OF WISDOM chapter 5 episode 1


You would rarely find anything as profitable as wisdom. The proceeds of wisdom includes riches, peace, honour and joy. Anything that wisdom produces profits. Living by wisdom prolongs one's life and keeps one in health. Those who think and talk foolishly shortens their life and destroys their health. 

Another profit of wisdom is that it gives life. Wisdom gives life to things, people and circumstances. The tongue of the wise is a tree that gives life. 
Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives.
Proverbs 15:4 The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.

The reason some people's spirit are crushed (uninspired and unmotivated) is their perversed tongue (unwise words). But a soothing tongue (wise words) is a tree of life. Wise words gives life. Wisdom gives life. Instead of speaking by your senses which of course is not wise words, why not speak by wisdom (God's truth)?

The reason some people are where they are is their unwise words. The reason they are sick, weak, poor, frustrated and without hope is their unwise words. But wisdom gives hope; it gives light in the dark. Indeed wisdom is profitable to direct. 

Ecclesiastes 10:10 If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but WISDOM IS PROFITABLE TO DIRECT. (KJV)

Wisdom is profitable but only the wisdom you direct. Wisdom gives life, peace, pleasure, prosperity, favour, health but only the wisdom you direct. 

What does it mean to direct wisdom? It means to apply wisdom. Simply put, wisdom is profitable when applied. If you are wise and do not apply it, it will not benefit you in any way. It will only make you a talker, and those who listen to you and apply it will benefit from it. If you have financial wisdom and don't apply it, you could talk and people will listen and apply it and become rich, while you yourself remain poor. Don't be so proud that you know rather be proud of the results you produce by it. Wisdom is only profitable when direct.

Start directing wisdom in your finances, ministry, marriage, business and all that has to do with you. People who don't apply wisdom only ends up with complaints. Wisdom is truly abstract only applied wisdom is concrete. If you want things to change in your life or any particular area of your life make your wisdom concrete; apply it. Don't complain that you know this and that should be good for you but doesn't. It is not what you know that changes things it is what you do. The reason you know is so that you could do; you know to do. Wisdom is for doing. Wisdom is not music; it is not something you sing around, it is something you apply.

So stop saying you know this you know that. Apply what you know. Do something with your knowledge; be productive with your knowledge. And that is called wisdom. Yeah! Effective and productive knowledge is wisdom.

UP NEXT: Chapter 5 episode 2


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