THE POWER OF LOVE - Chapter 1 episode 1

 Chapter 1-- God is love

God is love. That is who He is. He is not full of love but Love is His essence. Love is His substance. That is who He is. Loving is His natural expression. He doesn't try to love. Loving is His living. He cannot but love. 

He relates with Love. He deals by love. Even His anger is a holy anger; a displeasure towards evil - an expression of love. He corrects His children with the rod of love. Everything God does is in the light of His love. Man may see it differently but there is love behind every of His action. Love is His nature; His substance; His essence. He can only express His nature. 

The object of His love cannot change the nature of His love but could change how much he receives. He is always loving in the same volume or magnitude but how much an individual receive of His love is dependent on the individual's capacity - which is defined by his knowledge of, and relationship with God. A man limit how much of God's love he enjoy by his limited knowledge of Him. The limit to the blessings of God's love for a man is his knowledge.

1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 

Whoever does not love does not know love. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Loving is an expression of how much one knows God. The more one knows God the more he would be blessed by His love and express it.

Know God more, know love more and enjoy more of His immeasurable blessings of love. Love is related to knowledge.

If someone loves you and you don't know it, how can you enjoy that love? No way! But how can you know that he or she loves you? Unless he or she tells you. 

Only God can tell us how much He loves us. And He did just that in His word (the Bible). The Bible is a revelation of God's love. It is a love letter from God to us. It is a love story between God and us, told by Him. This love story is the definition of our destiny. What we become in life depend on how much we rely on, and relate with it. This is our calling; a love walk with God. And it's made possible through His Word (love book).

Up next: Chapter 1 episode 2


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