THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 2 episode 1

Chapter 2 episode 1

Chapter 2 -- The law of the Spirit

Having being born again we have been set free from the law of sin and death that condemns. Hence we are free from any and every condemnation whatsoever. We are not subject to the law of Moses which was fashioned for the man of the senses. The Bible says we are set free from it. But now we are under a different law; the law of the Spirit who gives life; the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:1-2 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

The law of the Spirit of life is for those in Christ Jesus. Every well organized place has laws that governs. In this place "Christ" the law that govern us is the law of the Spirit of life. The Spirit of life means the Spirit who gives life. And that is the Holy Spirit. He has a law He functions by. A way of doing things. And that way is love. Love is the law of the Holy Spirit. This law set us free from the law of sin and death.

This law is not rules. It is a nature. Love is the nature of God. Having being born again we received this nature. We are therefore required to express it. The law that governs us is a simple law "love", it's a call to express our nature. It is not a burden. The law of the Spirit says "be who you are." In any situation there is only one way we are required to react and relate; in the light of love, our nature.

This is the law of the Holy Spirit. Remember the Holy Spirit is God. This is the law that governs God. This is the way He react and relate. He expresses Himself in the light of love. Love is His nature. 

There are situations where people expect God to react in a certain way but He wouldn't, and they don't understand why. For example, 'armed robbers broke into a man's house, robbed him, killed his son and went away.'

Man would think that God should arise, block the robbers and kill them. But He couldn't do that. All He could do is love them, and expect their repentance unto salvation. He could only love.

Some think that God punish people for their wrongs or evils. No! He doesn't, and would never punish any body for his evil deeds before judgment day. He laid all the punishments on Jesus, and He bored them already. Those who rejected Jesus will be judged on the last day.

When people suffer for their evil deeds they only reap what they sowed. God is not actively involved in the process of punishing them. They only fulfilled that part of the scripture unto themselves. God is not behind it. It is not time for judgement. Punishment is judgment. Jesus was judged for the whole world. Those who reject Him will be judged on the last day.

God is governed by His love of nature. He doesn't just do things just because He is God. He cannot do things outside His nature. There are things that God cannot do. He cannot lie. He cannot hate anyone. He expresses displeasure over wrong doing, but that doesn't mean He hate the doer. Man was doing wrong when God loved him and sent His Son to die for him, He couldn't have hated him now.

The law of the Holy Spirit is Love. That's the law that governs God. And that is the law we live by, and it is our nature given to us by God through the birth of the Holy Spirit.

Up next Chapter 2 Episode 2


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