THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 8 episode 1


Chapter 8 -- Love is Sacrifice

Sacrifice is giving that which is so dear to you. It is giving your best. Sacrifice is not giving what you don't have or giving so much that means nothing to you. It is not in quantity but quality. It is not measured by its size but how dearly it is to you. It is defined by what it means to you, not so much by what it means to the receiver. 

One could give something that's so dear and important to him and it could mean little to the receiver because of the capacity of the receiver. Sacrifice is primarily measured by what it means to the giver not the receiver though the receiver may know the value. 
For example if you had only one car and gave it to someone who has three cars already, he would value and appreciate it. But it won't mean so much to him as how much it means to you to give it out. It cost you much more than what it worth to him. 

Love is sacrifice. That is, love is giving that which is dear to you. It is giving your best. Sacrificial love is faith in expression. It is faith in the person you are giving to. You have faith in what he or she means to you and what he or she could be to you. 

You remember how that Abraham figuratively sacrificed His son Isaac to God. 
Genesis 22:2-3 Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, whom you love —Isaac —and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you." Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about.
Abraham obeyed God's call to sacrifice his only son to Him because he had faith in the receiver, God Almighty. 

Sacrifice has to do with faith. Giving what's dear to you, giving your best; giving your utmost means you have utmost faith in the receiver. You believe in what he could do with it. You believe in what could become of your relationship with him or her through your sacrifice. Sacrifice is a message of love, respect, honour, value and faith. It promotes love, unity and value in relationship. 
Sacrifice in love relationship brings security. In your relationship learn to sacrifice.

UP NEXT: Chapter 8 Episode 2


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