John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;...

If she is not one of you and she is among you then she has a mission that must be against you. No enemy ever had a good intention for those he opposed however he meant present himself. 
Jezebel was an enemy of God's people, the Israelites. She was from Sidon, the people among whom the Lord had said the Israelites must not inter-marry.
1 Kings 16:30-31 Ahab son of Omri did more evil in the eyes of the LORD than any of those before him. He not only considered it trivial to commit the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, but he also married Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians, and began to serve Baal and worship him.

Now she comes among God's people given a prominent position, the Queen. She was not supposed to be here but now ruling here. When the enemy rules or has influence over God's people it is a terrible thing. That was what the Israelites experienced from Jezebel as their ruling Queen.


No thieft ever come to keep you company or render a helping hand. Even when he appears that way it is never that way but a cover up to carry out his devised evil.

What does the daughter of Jezebel comes to steal in the house of God? The heart of the Man of God and the heart of the Lord's people. 
The Jezebel in the Bible stole the heart of Ahab the leader of God's people and turned the Israelites to follow other gods. And her daughter does exactly the same today. 

First she is after the heart of the man of God. When she wins his heart, favour and trust, then she steals his heart away from God through her cousels and deeds that seems as deeds of love. When she succeeds in stealing his heart, then she controls it. She becomes his affection no longer God. The man of God now confide in her and takes counsel from her and by those counsel leads God's people's heart away from God. Their heart is now stolen and given to other gods. 

Almost everyone in the church now heads the same direction. Everything is now turned to what is seen instead of the unseen. Worship now becomes a thing of fleshly expression. Service now becomes a thing of eyes service and reward from man. Material is now the definition of prosperity and this material prosperity is now the definition of spirituality and soundness in faith. If you are not materially prosperous you are not sound in faith; your faith is not producing results.

Nobody talks about decency anymore. Nobody talks about the salvation of others; soul winning. No one talks of interceding for sinners and the weak in faith. No one looks at the spiritual evidence of a relationship with God; the fruit of the Spirit; love and others. - Galatians 5:22-23. But concentration is solely on physical evidence. Their heart is stolen away from the real thing; living to the Glory of God.


Every thieft is a killer. No thieft ever spare his victim, if he ever did it was to make him slave by cruel oppression. If he doesn't kill he oppressed his victim so much that his victim desire death. 
Jezebel is a killer and her daughter takes after her. The daughter of Jezebel in the church comes to kill. But kill exactly what or who? To kill the people's passion for the work of the Lord. This is the primary thing she seeks to kill. When she kills their passion she succeeded in making them lukewarm. 

Every church should have passion for the work of the ministry; the ministry of reconciliation.
Ephesians 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:(KJV)
2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;(KJV)

By killing their passion she hinders the supreme calling of the Christian; the ministry of reconciliation.
You now find so many "I used to" in the church of God. "I used to win souls. I used to be fervent in spirit praying for the salvation of sinners. I used to give so much money for th work of the Lord." They have so much past achievements in the house of God. All they have to show for their love for God today is their past work. 

The love for God has grown deem in the heart of many. No more affection, passion; heartfelt and compelling desire for service. Their passion is killed. It would take long time of persuasion with sermons on why they should work for the Lord and the reward to get them carry out a simple task. No more a willing heart for the Lord but a forced heart. How sad but true! Their passion is killed by the deeds and operation of the daughter of Jezebel in the church.

UP NEXT: Chapter 3 Episode 2

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