THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 10 episode 2



Perfect love is complete love. It is a fulffilled love. When His love fulfills His purpose in us it is perfect love. What is His purpose for loving us? He loved us so we could love Him and be the extension of His love to others. When this is in play it is perfect love; complete love, fulfilled love.

1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.

John 13:34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 15:12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

This is perfect love. Fulfiling the purpose for which He loves us. He loves us to love others. When we do this, the love circle is complete, thus perfect. It is the same love He put in us that we express. So it can only be perfect. It is His exact love, He told us that. He says "As I have loved you, so you must love one another". It is His love through us. We only love because He first loved us (put His love inside us). We only give vent to what He invented in us, which is perfection. 

Love perfection is not by human effort. It doesn't proceed from the flesh. It is simply what God deposited in our spirit which has its way through us. So don't look at your outward self and think of imperfection. No! It's in your spirit.

For example when you give a piece of bread to someone who is hungry, it's an expression of love. As little as it is, it is a perfect love; complete love, fulfilled love. Because God's love finds expression through you to someone. So His love is made complete, it complete the love circle (He reaches you, you reach out to someone). He loves you to love others. That's the key to what we are discussing. Yeah! That's it; He loves you to love others.

As you walk through this earth, walk in perfection. Walk in love towards everyone. Wherever you find yourself walk in love. Whatever happens walk in love. However it might seem still walk in love. Love is perfection. Perfect love drives out fear.

In Everything, in your business, marriage, workplace, associations, all endeavours, walk in love, walk in perfection. It's your nature. It's in you, work it out, express it.

Walking in love is being blessed and being a blessing to others. Only the blessed walk in perfection. When you walk in love you distribute blessings in the earth. And that's God's dream for you; a blessing.

Consciously and deliberately walk in love. Love is perfection. Glory To God!

NEXT: CHAPTER 11 Episode 1


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