TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 2 Episode 1


Chapter TWO


This is a situation whereby someone discovers or knows his talent, ability, purpose and special assignment on earth yet unable to fulfill it because of some circumstances.

A person may discover that he should be a medical doctor, yet that person may live all his/her life without fulfilling or serving that purpose just because of some hindrances.

A man may discover that he is musically gifted and keeps pursuing that dreams but due to financial problem he is unable to reach that goal. He may decided to pursue some other career that he could easily achieve, but neglecting his natural gift and ability. His generation would not be able to experience or be blessed by what God has put in him. Such talent is said to be hidden.

May the stubborn circumstances you find yourself now not be able to stop you from displaying what God has deposited in you in the Jesus name. 

If your purpose on earth is difficult for you to fulfill don’t give up on it, try harder, push on and trust God. You will surely achieve your goal.

Let’s look at Jesus’ parable of the talent in the book of Matthew 25:14-30, the first thing Jesus pointed out in this parable was ENTRUSTMENT. 
He said; a man going on a journey called and entrusted his property to his servants according to their abilities. What talent do you have? What gift have you discovered in you? What is your special calling? I mean what has God entrusted to you? Any gift you found in you is entrusted to you by God. He will definitely call you to give account of it. God gave to you according to the ability he has placed in you, so never you despise the worth of your talent no matter how little you think it is. Please invest it!

The Bible says the men who received five and two talents respectively went at once and put it to work and gain twice the amount. But the one who received one talent went and dug the ground and hid the talent. He hid it because;

(1). He did not value it. 
(2). He was lazy. 
(3). He was wicked.
(4) He was greedy.


Do you really want to forgo your ability, gift, that special calling from God because you don’t value it or it’s not lucrative or you are lazy about it? Hope you are not wicked and greedy like that wicked servant? Imitate the first two men and put your talent to work.

Do you want to receive compliment for your life on earth? Then put to work what God has put in you. The first two servants received a huge compliment; “good and faithful servant”. You can also receive such compliment from God when you do what he asked of you. Be faithful and fruitful with the little you have so you can receive more. If you can’t handle earthly talent, who will give you heavenly talent? If you can’t take care of someone else’s house, who will give you a house of your own?

“Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents.  For everyone who has will be given more and he will have abundance.  Whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him.  And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth”. Mathew 25:28-30.

Hell fire awaits those who do not fulfill God’s purpose and plan for their lives. I pray for you that what you have may not be taken from you in Jesus name.

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