TAKE STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 4 Episode 1


Chapter FOUR 


Doubt is the opposite of faith. Faith is the certainty that we have for what we do not see, yet with much assurance. Faith is the ability to see in the dark while doubt can’t even see in the light.

Doubt is blindness. As blind people cannot see even with the brightness of the sun so it is with people who are blind spiritually; who do not have visions for their life. They are unable to see possibilities. In the arena of hope they remain hopeless. They live in darkness even when there is light around them; they failed even when successes keep knocking their door. When opportunity comes their way they see it as a risk that should not be taken. To every stepping stone to greatness they see as a stumbling block. Where there is a red carpet for their honor they see as a sign of danger. This is blindness.
If you don’t believe in greatness you can’t attain it. It is only what you believe that works for you.

Doubt is a devil’s tool; he uses it to cover people’s eyes so that they may not see their real potentials and abilities. It is a veil that covers glory, beauty, destiny, future, gift and talent.

The veil needs to be removed from your eyes so that you can see your greatness and take a rightful step towards it. I know you have something so special in you. Allow God to remove that veil so that you can discover the potentials in you.


Read 2 Kings 4:1-7

Verse 2: Elisha replied to her, how can I help you?
Tell me, what do you have in your hand?
"You servant has Nothing there at all" she said, except a little oil.

In the above scriptures a widow needed help from Elisha the Prophet of God. He asked her "what do you have in your hand?" She replied "NOTHING". There was a veil in her eyes that she could only see emptiness and nothingness. She never realized that she was not empty. That she had what it takes to prosper in life. The veil in her eyes only needed to be removed in order for her to discover what she had.
No matter how empty you think you are right now there is something in you. Ask God to unveil your great potential. Pray now.

People can only help you with what you have; a man will not give you money and give you plan.

UP NEXT: Chapter 4 Episode 2

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