TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 4 Episode 2


At times when you need someone’s assistance for a project, he or she would ask you, "what do you have?, What is your plan?, How much can you raise?" You must present something like a plan or certain capital you have with you already. There is something in you, no man was created empty. If you have no money you should have a plan. If you have no certificate you should have skills. If you have no university degree you have hands and legs, you are not crippled. If you have not tasted success, you have experience and lessons from your past failures, so there is something special in you. You are loaded. You have something, stop living in doubt and believe in yourself and put it to work.

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting for the one who doubt is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. -- James 1:6.

Take a step and decision of faith and never doubt what you are doing. Doubt is not being certain of something, which leads to instability and lack of peace. Any step taken in doubt will never be fruitful and productive, it will never last or endure, because it’s like the wave of the sea without rest.

Doubt brings delay in your decision making. Because you are not really sure, and then, it will bring delay to your fulfillment in life. You always postpone projects and plans. At times you start a project you would not complete, you are not convince of what the outcome would be. You always feel unmotivated, unable to proceed, even when there are lots of exciting opportunities.

Read Mathew 14:28-31 Lord, if it is you, Peter replied tell me to come to you on the water, come He said then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus But when he saw the wind, He was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out lord save me. Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him, you of little faith. He said why do you doubt?

People who doubt always have that conditional statement of Peter, “If it is you.”
They always need extra assurances; if it is true that…, if I start the business will it boom?, If only they will give me the job?

You will make progress as long as you believe. If you stop believing your progress would stop. Peter believed and walked on water, which is unimaginable. You can also do and achieve the unimaginable if you do not doubt.

The wind actually changed the mind and faith of Peter. Don’t be scared of the wind of life - trouble. Trouble don’t last. Why do you doubt?


Do you have doubt in you? You are not certain and sure to take that inspired step in your career, plan, desire or marriage? Stop doubting and believe that you can achieve your goal. Until you stop doubting you can’t be a success.

Then He said to Thomas, put your finger here, see my hands, reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe. -- John 20:27

Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, I do believe help me overcome my unbelief. -- Mark 9:24

Pray this prayer in faith: Lord Jesus, help me overcome my unbelief, open my eyes and heart to see what you have deposited in me. Amen.

UP NEXT: chapter 5 episode 1

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