TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 5 episode 1


Chapter FIVE


Investment is all about losing something for a while in order to have it increased in return. You invest your money, time, knowledge, even property to have it increased in return. What you invest doesn’t remain with you; rather you lose it for a while in order to gain it back in multiple folds.

If you bought shares in a company at that moment it appears as though you lost your money. If you are not willing to lose what you are holding it can’t multiply. John 12:24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 

Until you put your ideas and dreams to work they cannot produce fruits. Put it to use; invest it, lose it, release it. Release what you cannot keep in order to gain what you cannot lose. So invest in your dreams, ambition and life-purpose to gain a better future. If you are a sport person, invest much time in training, and get more training equipments to enhance your talent. 

John 7:4 for no man works in secret if he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world. 

Release your special ability for others to benefit. Bless people with those gifts which are in you. Never keep your talents or gifts to yourself, but expose it to bless people. If you are good in singing; sing to lift up souls, free the oppressed and bless others. Sing until heaven and earth recognize your voice. Expose whatever gift and talent you have in you. Until you are recognized you cannot be recommended.

People buy what they know (tested and trusted). Exposing your talent does not mean you have to make announcement from one street to another, rather let your family, friends and well-wishers be aware of it. It will actually help you to gain focus and determination, since you can hardly change what you are known for. You will always receive encouragement from these people and it will help you to do more. You will feel ashamed to give up on that dream even though it is difficult because you are known for it. You will have courage to push on when everything is telling you to give up.

Truly, Truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24.

To invest connotes losing something temporarily. You cannot invest without actually losing something temporarily. You cannot invest in a company today and come back the following day for your money. No! You let it go temporarily.

There are people who were supposed to be great in their field of profession but died without ever living close to that greatness because they were afraid to lose something. Others lived in doubt. They wanted their dreams to cost them nothing. Dream that costs nothing is not a dream at all. 

It is better not to dream at all than to have a small dream. Dare to dream big and be ready to do big. Some have big dreams but want to give something small to achieve it. If you have a bicycle, will you need fuel? No! If you have a motor-bike, you can use two liters of fuel. But if you have a Range-Over car, will you use two liters of fuel? No! The bigger your dream the bigger the cost. So get ready!

Some are too greedy to invest money to get their heart desires fulfilled. They would always complain and think impossibilities. "How will I get it back?" "When will I get it back?" "What will I do if it doesn’t work out?" They would grumble. Such people always remain where they are. Why? Because, "Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone."

UP NEXT: chapter 5 episode 2

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