A daily devotional
Pastor Stanley
1st SEPTEMBER 2024


Luke 2:46-47 After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. (NIV)

Jesus started His earthly ministry at the age of thirty. Prior to that time He went through preparatory process. Part of the preparation was learning. Jesus had to learn. 

We read about Him in our theme scripture, how at the age of twelve He sat among the teachers of the law, listening to them, asking questions, and even answering their questions. He was learning. It was part of His preparation. We too must go through preparatory process, and learning is one part of it. 

Whatever it is God called you to fulfill in this world you will have to be trained for it first. If you are not adequately prepared you won't be able to carry it to fulfillment. How long and well you prepare will determine how long and well you will go. 

We also see John the Baptist who spent much of his years in the preparatory season than his actual ministry. He spent more years in the wilderness (place of training) than he did with the public. If you come out to the public prematurely it could cut short your ministry or assignment and even your life. 
Luke 1:80 And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel.

John the Baptist grew and became strong in spirit, that's maturity. That happened while he was in the wilderness not when with the public. God only bring the matured to the public. If you have been wondering why your efforts to establish yourself or ministry in the public has not yielded any result maybe you haven't completed your preparation season. It doesn't matter how long you have been there what matters is how matured you have become. God won't announce you to the public until you are matured. 

One important thing to keep doing is learning. As you learn you will discover the season that you are in, and how close you are to come out into the next level. So instead of striving to be heard in the public maximize your season of preparation so that when you come out you would last and produce lasting results. 


Lord I am yielded to You and the working of the Holy Spirit in and through me, to get me ready for what lies ahead. As you take me through the preparation season I yield myself to learn and grow unto maturity, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
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