THE WONDERS OF WISDOM chapter 5 episode 2


Ecclesiastes 10:10 If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success. (NKJV)

More strength is required to cut grass with a blunted cutlass. When its blade is unsharpened you will have to apply more strength but it's much easier when sharpened. Same thing with wisdom. Wisdom makes life easier when applied.

This tells us why some of us has suffered for so long. The tongue is a tool with which you cut down obstacles and navigate your way through life. But if it is dull (unwise) then you will require a lot of effort to achieve a minimum success in life. When your tongue in sharpened (wise) through learning the truths of God's Word then your life will be easier. You don't have to suffer or struggle through life, apply wisdom. 

There are lot of people in this world that suffers for everything; the food they eat, the clothes they wear, their shelter. And they are also the victim of everything; climate change, bad government, bad economy, inflation and everything negative. They struggle for every good thing, and are the victim of every bad thing or bad situation. But why is it so? You already know! It's lack of the application of wisdom; wisdom makes life easier. 

Again the above scripture says "wisdom brings success." And it is true. Ecclesiastes 10:10 If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success. (NKJV)

In the midst of difficult situations and circumstances wisdom can bring you success. If you are a businessman and things suddenly start going downward if you listen to wisdom he would bring you success. Success is with wisdom. A lot of people do not take note that a lot of people fail for lack of the application of wisdom. 

There is a big difference between wisdom and the application of wisdom. The difference is success; wisdom unapplied cannot produce success. That's the reason you see a man who seems to be so wise and eloquent yet his life doesn't show it. There is no success in his life to justify his acclaimed wisdom. Wisdom is justified by results. He has wisdom to be rich yet he is poor. He has to apply his wisdom. True wisdom is not theory but practical. The wisdom that will bring you success is the wisdom you practice.

Wisdom has benefits, wisdom has proceeds, wisdom is profitable, wisdom makes life easier, wisdom brings success but only the wisdom you applied.

UP NEXT: Chapter 6 episode 1


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