THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 3 episode 1

Chapter 3 Episode 1

Chapter 3 -- Love is freedom

The Power of love means what love can do, and love can set free. Love is freedom. Anyone who loves you wouldn't make you his slave or slave to anyone else. You live freely with those who truly love you. Freedom to express yourself, freedom to be yourself. And freedom is an asset. Anyone who is free can become great.

Jesus loved us and set us free. Anyone who loves you wouldn't want you in slavery. God couldn't watch us being slaves to sin. He had to do something for our freedom. His love brought us freedom. The freedom He set us free is an act of love, we didn't earn it we couldn't have.

Anyone who loves you wouldn't deprive you of freedom. Freedom to live your life as you ought to. God procured freedom for us through His Son's death and resurrection, and He want us to live that life of freedom as we ought in Christ. He set us free from being slaves to sin but didn't make us His slaves. He brought us into the liberty of sons.

John 8:35-36 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

It is the Son of God who set us free, He did that because of love. He was not counting our wrongs against us, His interest was for our freedom. He set us free to walk in His freedom; freedom as sons of God. Walking in the liberty of the sons of God. We are as free as God is; we are in the God freedom. 
His love is freedom; freedom to be who He made us, freedom to be who He says we are, freedom to be righteous, to serve Him. Freedom in all things.


Anyone who gives you freedom trusts you. He deems you trustworthy to walk in that freedom and manage it. It is therefore required of you to use your freedom wisely. You are accountable for what you do with your freedom, freedom is accountability. How well you manage your freedom will determine how much you will enjoy your freedom. Many are freed but not many are enjoying their freedom.  

Freedom makes you accountable. When one is a slave he blames his slave master for what he was commanded to do. But when one is free he is accountable for his actions. 
Now that we are freed from sin and the power of darkness we are more accountable to God.

Up next: Chapter 3 Episode 2


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