THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 5 episode 2


Everyone wants someone who will love them irrespective of their weakness. Someone who is willing to help them out of their failings, not one who will nail them to it. People want to be loved and that, that love brings them relief not grief. If your words makes your loved one grieve then it is a hurtful love.

You have to consciously live love. It is important that you understand what love is, and how to administer love. 

Love is a ministry. You minister love to others. Ministry means sharing. And love is sharing. You share love to those you said you love; you share (minister) shield and defense to them.

You don't love her if you can't shield her weaknesses in public and correct her in private. You don't love him if can't defend his mistakes in public and correct him in private. If you magnify her weaknesses you don't understand love yet. If you magnify his mistakes you don't understand love yet. You got to learn and understand love. 

The Love that cannot protect and defend cannot last long because those you love would have weaknesses and mistakes. If you cannot put up with them, then you cannot stay with them. Love is tolerance, acceptance, and assistance leading to durability. Durability is a product of these three; tolerance, acceptance and assistance.

A durable love is one that minimize weaknesses and mistakes, and maximize strength and excellence. How much can your love shield? How long can your love defend?

Psalms 91:14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

We love Him because He first loved us. He says He will rescue and protect us because we love Him. It could also be said the other way "He will rescue and protect us because He loves us". Yes He will. We can rely on His love. It is a shield and defense. Hallelujah!

This is our confidence. This is our boast, courage and strength -- because He love us. We are blessed, kept, shielded, honoured, lifted because He loves us. We know and rely on the love the Father has for us. We trust His Love. Hallelujah!

We can use Psalm 91:14, we can say "because he love me I will defend him", "because I love her I will shield her". Love is our life to live. Love is protection. Glory to God!

UP NEXT: Chapter 6 Episode 1


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