THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 7 episode 1


Chapter 7 -- Love is selfless

Those who are full of self cannot love. Love is selfless. Self is a big obstacle to loving others. Love seeks to make others better but those who are full of self only want to make themselves better. It is impossible for a self-full person to love others. 

True love is seeing the best of others and buying into it. True love is improving others. A true lover is not a competitor. He is not concerned that the other person might get better than him. No! His self is not involved. Those who involve self in love are not made perfect in love. Love must be perfect in expression. Perfect love is selfless.

Love starts with thoughts. When you set your heart to think well of others you are cultivating an attitude of selfless love. Those you don't think good about you can't genuinely love them. Love is a conscious expression of an inward attitude towards others. 

There are those whose thoughts are only always full of themselves. How they would make themselves better, greater, bigger, richer and more influential. Such people cannot love. Love starts with good thoughts for others. If it is in your heart it would be on your mind, if it is on your mind it would be in your life -- an expression. You can't fake love, at least not for long.

A true lover wouldn't consider himself when loving others. He wouldn't put his prestige, fame, rank, wealth, influence and affluence above loving others. Yes, he lightly regard who he is, what he has, where he is in order to lift others. He could condescend to help others up. Love condescends.

Read these amazing words of our Lord Jesus.

John 10:17-18 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life —only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."

 What words spoken by our Lord Jesus! This is selfless love. He on His own laid down His life for us. He laid down His life on His own accord. No one took His life from Him, indeed no one could. In Love He willingly lay it down for us. This is true love; selfless love. 

He wanted us to be something. He did not consider His very high Glory, Prestige and Dignity. It cost Him to love us but He did not dwell on that rather on what we could become through His love.

His Love made us who we are.

You have to learn to willingly express your love for others, don't wait until you are compelled by someone or something. Don't wait until it becomes the only option left for you. That expression wouldn't be of love but of necessity, or even at times of obligation. 

Let the good you render to others be willingly. And always give your best. Don't give to others what is no longer useful to you. Don't give others what means nothing to you. That would only mean that they means nothing to you. Give worthily. Do worthy things for others. Hallelujah!

NEXT: Chapter 7 Episode 2


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