THE POWER OF LOVE chapter 13 episode 1


Chapter 13 -- Marriage

Ephesians 5:31,33 "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

Marriage is a product of love. Marriage come into play when two opposite gender who are in love cannot leave each other but to marry and spend their lives together. Marriage is by love. You marry because of love. 

You don't marry because you want children, you don't marry because you want companion, you don't get marry because you are of age. No! You only get married because you fall in love with someone and want to spend the rest of your life with him or her and the only way to have that happen legally is to get married. This is the reason to marry.

I understand that side of purpose. You need a help-meet. But no help-meet is help-meet without love. You need someone to help you divinely fulfill your God-given purpose. He or she cannot offer you help if there is no true love. Finding a purpose help-meet is important but finding a love-meet is most important. Someone who loves you can help you, but not anyone who can help you loves you and that help won't go all the way because it is not rooted in love.

Don't marry with an eye-guage. You look at him or her and concluded she fits the bill. Maybe you are a Minister of the Gospel and she is too. You think it will make a successful marriage. But that's not a guarantee. Don't use sense guage either. You both have the same mental understanding, and you think it will bring understanding in marriage. It takes more than that. Some use profession guage. She is a doctor, you are a doctor. Then you think it match. It doesn't work like that.

UP NEXT: Chapter 13 EPISODE 2


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