TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 5 Episode 2


Some remain single for years because they don’t want to take the financial responsibility of having a family, cost of wedding, taking care of children, even when they have the money.

Some ladies rather prefer to remain single than to adjust their life-style to suit marriage. They would say; "If I get married, I would not be able to club, and I can’t afford to be under any man’s control." They don’t want to lose anything; such people may never get married. Why? Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone.

Every created being has a created place for his fruitfulness. Some never leave their comfort zone to their created place because created place is always different from comfort zone and at times it is unpleasant at the beginning but that’s the place of your fruitfulness. God designed it that way.

At times destiny drags people to their created place without their full knowledge and submission, like Joseph, only to find himself in an uncomfortable place - strange place without love – dried well, Potiphar’s house and eventually prison. Yet he excelled there and fulfills his God-given life purpose because Egypt was his created place to fulfill his created destiny.

Some people become unmovable even by their destiny. Circumstances can’t even take them to their created place; they feel too comfortable where they are. Some live in their parents’ or uncle’s house, they never wanted to live far from their parents, never wanted to face any challenge in life. That’s not good for you my dear. Challenges will not break you it can only make you. Face your challenges now and you will rise above it.       

while he was still speaking yet another messenger came and said, your sons and daughter were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother’s house (Comfort Zone) 19 when suddenly a mighty wind swept in from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you (Danger) beware! Job 1:18-19

God said to Abraham in Genesis 12 to leave his father’s house which was his comfort zone to his created place - a place He would show him. He quietly obeyed God though it was extremely difficult for him to leave his father’s house, a comfortable place to a place he was yet to know. He sacrificed (lose it) his comfort to gain something better. Until you sacrifice your comfort zone for your created place you might never serve your created purpose. Why?

Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone.

The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:25

Fighting for something shows how much you care for it, labouring for something shows how much you need it. Though fighting and labouring are not enjoyable but you do it in order to gain better things.

Why are you afraid to suffer for Good?

Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour. No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. John 12:27

Jesus knew He would definitely suffer to bring mankind back to God. When He saw all the sufferings and agony of death He was about to undertake, He said, "my heart is troubled, what shall I say? Father! Save me from this hour." He answered 'no!' It’s alright to suffer and achieve your life purpose than to ask God to save you from that hour of pain. When some perceived the suffering that would bring about their fulfillment they committed suicide. My dear you are on earth for a purpose, don’t deny or neglect this fact, discover and serve that purpose.

Prayer: Heavenly father, help me to lose what I can’t keep in order to gain what I can’t lose. Amen. 

UP NEXT: Chapter 6 Episode 1

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