TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 7 Episode 1


Chapter SEVEN


There may never be a better time to take a step of greatness than now. Now is the perfect time for you to cross over that barrier, evils and failures.

The time is right for you to overcome poverty, failure, disgrace and limitation. You have to make up your mind about your plan and pursuit, and take a decisive step.

Your life-purpose will not be fulfilled unless you take a step; a decision to move forward. Your next step may be your life-changing decision so you have to take it.

Do not delay your decision again, take a step. Delaying taking a step forward is delaying your assignment and calling, and it limits your potentials and dreams. As the saying goes; “delay is dangerous”. You may end up missing out on something great if you remain indecisive on your next step. At times life itself and everything else seems like a risk. Don't enslave yourself in the realm of fear. Don’t be afraid to take a good risk. A man who went into theatre room for medical surgery is not certain whether he will come out alive, even the surgeon gives no guarantee.

Don’t wait on men’s assurance before making a decision, just trust God and take a step, in Him alone we have assurance of everything.

I want you to have the attitude of a businessman who puts millions of dollars into business without assurance of return. Just take that good risk because until you take that risk your life will remain stagnant.

If you purchase a flight ticket the Airplane will never wait for you or come to pick you up in your house unless you take a step to the Airport.

If you were destined to be a President of your country but never acquired presidential form for election you would never be the President. Having greatness in you without taking a step would never make you great. Success would never come to your house to find you unless you go out there and search for it. If you are reluctant in making certain decisions in life your dreams will pass away, you would only live in the shadow of it not the dream itself.

Stop day-dreaming over your career; marriage - your dream man or woman; work; business; and start living its reality by taking a step to achieve it. 

Now is the time. You may not know what tomorrow holds, don’t wait for tomorrow. You can affect your tomorrow from today by the decisions and steps you take today. So make the right decision now.


There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. -- Ecclesiastes 3:1.

You can’t harvest without first sowing, NOW is the proper time to take that step. There may never be any better condition than this, don’t be double minded be sure the time is NOW.

Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, making the best use of the time. Colossians 4:5

Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

People refuse to try again because of their previous failures. Some stop doing good because of ungrateful people out there. Don’t refuse to take a step because of your past experiences. Your past experiences may have not been pleasant but believe that the season is due, this is the right season, the right time, take that step today, believe and expect success.
This is your due season in Jesus name. Amen! 

UP NEXT: chapter 7 Episode 2

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