TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 7 Episode 3



Make a certain decision and move in that direction.

Verse 6: For the Lord had caused the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a great army, so that they said to one another, look the King of Israel has hired the Hittites and Egyptians Kings to attack us. 

What a miracle!!

You may never attain that miracle, breakthrough and open doors unless you take a step. If God could do this miracle with four leapers - men who were without good hands and legs, how much more you? The danger you are afraid of will not be there when God take a step with you. Jesus has triumphed over those failures, pains, even death for you. Just believe.

God want to do a miracle in your life, family, society and your generation but you need to take a step. Greatness is in you, success lives in you. In fact, your life and the breath of your nostril is a miracle of God and he wants to do more. All you need is to take a step, now is the time.

Verse 8: The men who had leprosy reached the edge of the camp and entered one of the tents, they ate and drank and carried away silver, gold and clothes and went off and hid them. They return and entered another tent and took some things from it and hid them also.

These four men who were lepers began to swim in abundance, unmerited favor, eating and drinking. Filled to the extent of calling the whole city to come and enjoy with them just because they made up their mind and took a necessary step.

Do you want a fulfilled life? Do you want abundance? All you need is that step that leads to greatness. All things are possible with God. Though you are rejected now like those four lepers who were unknown, nobody listened to them and no one cared about them. But when breakthrough came to the whole land through them everyone listened to them and celebrated them. You would be celebrated if you take that step forward. 

You are the next to be celebrated in your family, society and generation in Jesus' name. Amen. It’s time for people to listen to you. It’s the proper time for those who rejected you to accept you, but first you must take a step that leads to greatness.

Take a look at verse 1 Elisha said; hear the word of the Lord. This is what the lord says; about this time tomorrow, a seah of flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.

Be sure that when God says something it definitely comes to pass. However, God uses men to fulfill prophecy; even with the help of wicked men they crucified Jesus in order to fulfill the prophecy about Him. For the prophecy of Elisha to be fulfilled God had to use men, even men with leprosy. What if God wants to use you to fulfill his promises to your family, generation and nation, won’t you take a step? For the promise, prophecy, blessing, riches and honor God has for your family to be fulfilled you must take a step. A step into what God is leading you to do.

Let me prophecy into your life; by this time tomorrow you will discover your life-purpose, your destiny will be unveiled (not hidden), every power of the fear of failure will collapse, you will not live in doubt (uncertainty) anymore in Jesus name. I say by this time tomorrow you will set in motion your destiny, career, talent, you will invest into your gift, you will take a step to your destined greatness and a sure harvest (reward) awaits you in Jesus name. Amen.

UP NEXT: Chapter 8

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