A daily devotional
Pastor Stanley
19th JULY 2024
Galatians 5:16-17 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. (NIV)
The highest struggle of a Christian is not against the devil but against the flesh. What do you mean by the flesh? It means the natural craving, desires, thoughts and dictates of the human body.
The human body is the instrument for living in this physical world. You don't have to have a body to be you, but you have to have a body to express you in this world.
The body's default function is by its sense organs; it functions only by what it hears, sees, feels and perceives. Anything outside this is uncomfortable and unnatural to it. It fights it. But the Holy Spirit you have received is everything contrary to the flesh. And the Bible says "...they are in conflict with each other..."
But if you walk by the Spirit you will not follow the dictates of the flesh. When anything happens the first to react is the flesh not the Spirit. You will have to consciously give attention to the Spirit in order to hear what the Spirit says.
The only antidote to not walk in the flesh is walking in the Spirit. So, how does one walk in the Spirit? It simply means walking in the Word as the Spirit leads you.
If you find yourself struggling with the flesh in a certain area of your life all you need to do is give attention to the Spirit and find out where He leads you in the Word. When you find that Word keep it in your heart and mouth. Keep saying it until you start seeing. Speaking the Word is not only speaking your reality but also keeping the flesh tamed.
I walk by the Spirit, following His leading in the Word; living out my reality. I do not yield to the flesh to carry out its dictates and desires which are contrary to the Spirit. I walk in the Word, walk in the light and the reality of my blessings and glories in Christ. Amen.
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