

BREAKFAST WITH JESUS A daily devotional Pastor Stanley 15th DECEMBER 2023 ALWAYS DO GOOD Acts 9:36 In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. (NIV) Dorcas was one of the disciples of the church in Joppa and was a very generous woman. The Bible says "she was always doing good and helping the poor." She devoted herself to helping the poor especially the widows. A time came that she too ill and died. The church (the disciples) at Joppa sent for Peter who was at the time at Lydda. "Please come at once." They pleaded.  When Peter got there all her beneficiaries especially the widows narrated to Peter how Dorcas had helped them. Each one of them showed him the clothes she bought for them. The whole community wanted her back to life. That's telling! That is how much being good can do.  Peter raised her back to life and presented her alive to them. Her good deed spoke for her. "A good n

TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 2 Episode 1

EPISODE 1 Chapter TWO HIDDEN TALENT This is a situation whereby someone discovers or knows his talent, ability, purpose and special assignment on earth yet unable to fulfill it because of some circumstances. A person may discover that he should be a medical doctor, yet that person may live all his/her life without fulfilling or serving that purpose just because of some hindrances. A man may discover that he is musically gifted and keeps pursuing that dreams but due to financial problem he is unable to reach that goal. He may decided to pursue some other career that he could easily achieve, but neglecting his natural gift and ability. His generation would not be able to experience or be blessed by what God has put in him. Such talent is said to be hidden. May the stubborn circumstances you find yourself now not be able to stop you from displaying what God has deposited in you in the Jesus name.  If your purpose on earth is difficult for you to fulfill don’t give up on it, try harder, pu


BREAKFAST WITH JESUS A daily devotional Pastor Stanley 14th DECEMBER 2023 WE TRUST IS IN HIS NAME Psalms 20:7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. (NIV) In this world different people have what they rely on. Some trust in their influence, some in their riches, some their parents, some their bosses, others their political power or position. As Christians our trust is in the Name of the Lord Jesus.  When we say we trust in His Name is not the same as having faith in His Name. Having faith in His name means whenever we use His Name its works. But trusting in His Name is trusting in His influence, power, presence, glory, grace and everything His Name represents. It is like when you come into a meeting in the name of the governor of your state. He sends you, you come in His Name. You are accorded the respect, privilege and honour that is due him. You are receiving his dues because you came in his name.  We do not only trust in the power of

TAKE A STEP TO GREATNESS Chapter 1 Episode 2

EPISODE 2    3. OBEDIENCE:  Living a life of obedience in Christ can help you know where you belong in the plan of God. Obedience is an act of carrying out orders, instructions, commands not necessarily seeking how it will benefit you.  Abraham obeyed God when God spoke to him and said; “leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1. Abraham obeyed God; he left his country, people and relatives without having an idea of where he was going. He never sought after his own benefits. When God also demanded him to sacrifice his son Isaac he never restrained, but resolved to offer his only son as a sacrifice not seeking his own benefit. What an act of complete obedience. The obedience of Abraham played a part in fulfilling who God created him to be (the father of many nations). To your offspring I will give this land---God promised him.  Your obedience to God will also play a role in fulfilling who God designed you to be.   But i


BREAKFAST WITH JESUS A daily devotional Pastor Stanley 13th DECEMBER 2023 SHINE IN DARKNESS John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (NIV) It is not proper for Christians to join the world in complaining or grumbling about the evil and decadence in the world. A Christian is light, and God expects him to shine over darkness. God puts us here as bearers and sharers of light; we are answer, we are solution. Instead of complaining let us rise and shine. A light that doesn't shine in the darkness is not light at all. The true importance of light is seen in darkness. Light is illumination, revelation and answer. If you are not illuminating or giving answers to your world you have to examine yourself. Matthew 6:23 But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! Examine your light. Work on yourself. Be a burning and shining light. Give light to your world.


EPISODE 1 Chapter  ONE DISCOVERING YOURSELF Taking a bold step is extremely important in someone’s life. Until you take a step you can’t move forward in life. No matter how low you think you are what you need is a step forward. As the saying goes; “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.” A moving Train is better than a stagnant Airplane, though it is slow but will surely reach its destination. God wants you to progress, move forward with that life purpose and assignment which He has designed for your life. He wants to use you and the circumstances in your life to claim glory for Himself. You need to stop seeing your weaknesses and troubles, and start planning to take a step forward. God wanted to claim glory in the life of the Israelites at the red sea, so He urged them to move on (take a step) and stop crying. God actually expects you to move on (take a step) from where you are right now. You should stop crying over your predicament rather rely on God and take a bold step.


BREAKFAST WITH JESUS A daily devotional Pastor Stanley 12th DECEMBER 2023 GOD IS NOT UNJUST Hebrews 6:10 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. (NIV) Some of us have given our all to the course of the Gospel. We have put in all we got into the work, at times even beyond our ability. We serve in the church. We serve people wholeheartedly in and outside the church. At times when things seem not working we wonder. But God is a rewarder.  God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.  When you work for or serve a prominent person who has the capacity to reward you but doesn't you feel bad. Men could be unjust and forget your work and service of love but God is not unjust. This should give you confidence to keep working and serving in the Kingdom. You may look around you and not see number for number